Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The Urban Peasant

As an Indian, I have had the privilege to experience two different cultures where food plays an extremely integral part of our lives. Hence began my  journey of finding the right kind of balance, not only in relationships (maiden and marital) but also in taste palettes.

I started having a messy  relationship with food after I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I found it difficult to strum the right chord and lose weight. No amount of exercise and diet plans were sustainable.

It all changed when I started questioning  WHY. The more I cooked and read,  the more I started challenging myself to understand the attributes of this relationship and my entire perspective changed. It gave  me an insight that both, food and the human body are interdependent and cannot be deprived of the other.

Being a science graduate, this further helped me to pursue a course to understand the finer nuances and become a certified dietician. I'm now on a quest of learning and embracing conscious eating. I feel empowered to write about  my journey, change lives and meet like minded people along the way to share and collaborate experiences with.

It all started with a wish but the game changer was the WONDER.  It's the unfathomable wonder that pushed me to take the plunge and question the "whys" of healthy eating and to understand the science behind food. This enriching journey brings me to unviel to the world- *The Urban Peasant*
Food grown on a healthy land with healthy farming is healthy food. We are committed to grow vegetables and fruits  organically with zero use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides to create healthy soil and nutritional food at our *karjat farm.* We are into contract farming for 100% natural food and are value adding organic produce to offer residue free products  like super sugar substitutes,woodpressed oils, millet pastas and noodles, herbs  and are working on many more natural products.


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