Thursday, August 12, 2021

Monkey Movement

Our next workshop with @monkey.meghna , as stated by Meghna, to be a simple movement based strength and flexibility class, and BOY, did she stick to her word!

All of us in the class were STUNNED at the fun and ease Meghna instilled in the class, and the sheer effortlessness of the exercises was brilliant. Mind you, they were still movements that were a very good workout because we soon started feeling the strain in our muscles! 😅

Meghna from Monkey Movement managed to take us back to the days of crawling and book balancing, all this while managing to make us work out, in the midst of laughs and 'monkey'ing around!

So, if you are someone not into physical training, but need it (we all do) Meghna is the person to go to, because this class proved she can design a class to your strength and ability, and make anyone workout!

#connectsgroup #cuffeconnects #gokulconnects #hauzkhasconnects #letsgrowtogether #nextdoornetworking #vocalforlocal #madeinindia #dharamconnects #ballyconnects #collab #freeworkshop #movement #strength #flexibility #monkeymovement

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