A LIFE SKILL CLASS full of games, stories and lots of fun FOR KIDS to make them FINANCIALLY LITERATE AND MONEY SMART!!!
In a world which so fast paced and complex, as adults we fall prey to wrong money decisions! So LET’S GET THEM STARTED YOUNG!
As the child develops we wish to provide our child with at least a glimpse of every activity music, dance, arts, and craft, STEAM etc. irrespective of whether they choose any or none as a career in the future! THEN WHY NOT MONEY? A SKILL WHICH EVERY CHILD WILL HAVE TO CHOOSE IN THE FUTURE irrespective of the field they are in.
Now days for every single thing we need or want, we have been spoilt for choices. As exposure to things in real and online increases, kids have started believing that it is as easy to earn money as it is to spend – JUST LIKE A SWIPE
Parents on the other hand are also sometimes so over whelmed with their children that they provide them with ten things when kids asked for one thing. If that’s not the case, kids still are aware of so many things unlike we were at their age. HENCE its becomes very important to develop SMART SPENDING and SAVING HABITS from a young age.
Kids are also learning to be more and more INDEPENDENT and hence this come along with taking sole responsibility – and assume the burden of risk – from how they choose the career, how they balance their expense with outings which were earlier shared with parents and families.
More so to add to all of the above there is INADEQUATE BACKGROUND from schools and they are not preparing your child for the future!! Just as health education in school helps children develop a good life-long dietary and hygiene habits, good financial education can provide them with the habits necessary to enable them to perform financial transactions well.
LOCKDOWN a word that can work as a boon or a bane , was surely a bane for young kids and CA Bharvi Avlani herself who is having 5 plus years of experience in world of finance as she started coaching hundreds of kids and trained them to know the WHAT , WHERE, WHEN , WHY AND VALUE OF MONEY !!
For now she has trained hundreds of kids by taking workshops and fixed sessions for kids aged 5-15 where she teaches what is money , money evolution, earning , spending , saving, sharing , investing , using fun money management aspects like goal setting , budgeting , smart habits , requirement based spending, etc. along with awareness and introduction to banking ! YES let me repeat all of the above in a GUARANTEED fun and a way full of games. I am sure you want getting dialling and connecting to her soon.
You can check her work on instagram @moneysmart_bybharvi
CA Bharvi Avlani – Contact number +91 9819034045
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