Wednesday, August 11, 2021

French Bite Patisserie

French Bite Patisserie aims to fulfil the need of a great tasting and a well balanced cake for any celebration. Up until my 20’s I had started to realise that most cakes were just a dollop of cream.  I refused to eat it and I wound often end up baking a cream free cake for myself. French Bite started with a dream to add a burst of flavours and textures, such as to makes every celebration memorable.

My journey to train as a pastry chef started out in 2018 with Academy of Pastry and Culinary Arts, Delhi. Baking cakes actually happened a year ago, when I started to escape into my kitchen to blow off some steam while preparing for the stressful MBA entrances. Little did I know that 6 months later I would get into a good B school, only to withdraw my admission and pursue pastry full time, professionally.  After my training, French Bite Patisserie was born with a small kitchen and big dreams to change the world, one palate at a time.

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